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tunnel vision

美 [ˌtʌnl ˈvɪʒn]英 [ˌtʌnl ˈvɪʒn]
  • n.管状视,视野狭窄(只能看正前方的人或物);井蛙之见;一孔之见
tunnel visiontunnel vision



a condition in which sb cannot see things that are not straight ahead of them


an inability to see or understand all the aspects of a situation, an argument, etc. instead of just one part of it

tunnel vision


  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 管状视;视野狭窄
    If you suffer from tunnel vision, you are unable to see things that are not straight in front of you.

  • 2
    N-UNCOUNT 一孔之见;狭隘的眼光;井蛙之见
    If you say that someone has tunnel vision, you disapprove of them because they are concentrating completely on achieving a particular aim, and do not notice or consider all the different aspects of what they are doing.


visual impairment involving a loss of peripheral vision


  1. The characteristics of small-scale peasant self-sufficiency to a lack of the outside world , tunnel vision , thinking occlusion .


  2. The world 's major donors seem to have tunnel vision that only lets them see the problem of infectious diseases , and not that of non-communicable diseases .


  3. Tunnel vision , in other words , has become taboo .


  4. Some businessmen cannot adapt to change because they have tunnel vision .


  5. You get tunnel vision and you interact in a way that almost always makes your situation worse .


  6. Tunnel Vision : The tendency to focus only on the immediate crisis or sore spot .


  7. It simply means you need to get rid of your tunnel vision and start searching in other directions .


  8. However , with this wealth of programming capability comes a danger & a sort of API tunnel vision .


  9. We want our staff to think about the bigger picture , Corrigan solemnly explained : tunnel vision is out .


  10. In addition to everything else , remember that you must strive at all times not to fall into a state of " tunnel vision " .


  11. This is admirable , but ifyou allow yourself to develop tunnel vision , you won 't notice opportunities when they present themselves .


  12. A researcher explains that men and women are biologically different in how they see house cleaning men have tunnel vision compared to emu shoes women 's wide field of vision .


  13. Many students have tunnel vision when it comes to choosing their major-they pick their major on the assumption it 's the only fast track to their lucrative dream job .


  14. Another big problem for angst-driven economies is that they tend to develop a form of tunnel vision by concentrating on a narrow range of national objectives that can blind them to pitfalls .


  15. When you see Beckham fixing his sights on a single tiny square of netting before taking aim with a free-kick , you 're looking at a man who views his entire life with the same tunnel vision .


  16. After all , for every example of " silo jumping " occurring in a university , government department or company today , there are numerous counter examples , where tunnel vision and tribalism predominate , and may be growing in power .


  17. The victim then experiences a tingling sensation in the mouth and extremities , double vision , tunnel vision , severe confusion , fever , excessive salivation ( including foaming of the mouth and nose ) and pronounced ataxia ( lack of muscle control ) .
